Minutes Ocotber 9, 2024
Community Council October 9, 2024
Attendance: Matt Patterson Principal, Brittney Critchley, Mat Brown, Tiffany Olsen, Mike Martini, Camee Ellis, Angela Yerka, Casey Chip, Ted Jorfensen, Colette Erickson
Historical Piece- Council was created in the spring, opened up for additional members.
Principal Report
- Current plan/no previous plan/ Future plan
- School progress and staffing
- School is still a little bit in progress. Shop class/ Foods/Marque/ Scoreboards.Things are still coming.
- More students than the district anticipated.
- Classes are at capacity 17 classes over 40 students in class. Dropped that to 4-5 classes currently. Hiring 2 more advocates to work as aides in those bigger classes. Year 2 will be better.
- Cool things teachers are doing to accommodate big classes.
4 Committees
- Wellness
- MTSS Positive Behavior Plan
- Instructional Design
- Mentoring
- We are utilizing/improving the school with these groups.
High Reliability Schools
Leading and Lagging
Flexibility to move towards goals. Working on certifications in level 1 High Reliability next fall.
Is MV a safe place to come and learn?
Do we support students?
Are we collaborating?
Our vision school goals are all tied to this. We have year 1 to accomplish this. We are taking a lot on.
Open for questions.
As we decide things we will use trustlands money for these things? Yes
The district Elevate 28 works perfect with High Reliability.
Goal 1 Increase Student Achievement
- Advocate
- Tutoring
- Buyouts
- Aleks Licenses
- Chromebooks
- Substitutes
- Teacher to attend High Reliability Conferences.
When Mikkell and Matt meet they will add the spending to date. Can carry $12,500.00.
$147.00 per student
Pick Vice Chair
Adjustment to rules of order and procedure.
FYI: your name and email will be on the community council of our school website. Matt will update in the next week or so. Make sure it is accurate and looks good.
Matt showed all the links encouraging for the board to look at and leave that up to individuals to watch. Be informed.
Next time
Discuss technology and cell phone policy
Nominations: Mike Martini nominated Casey Chip Collette Erickson second. Unanimous vote.
Don’t feel like a burden, we need your vote. GREAT things happen here. Colette motioned to close the meeting. Camee second. Meeting adjourned
Next Month 1st Wednesday @ 3:30pm.
Minutes February 2024
Mountain View Jr. High
Community Coucil
February 21, 2024
Start time 3:30 PM End Time 4:36PM
Present: Matt Patterson, Mikkell Willard, Matthew Brown, Kathie Averett, Angela Yerka
Excused: Mike Martini, Matthew Norton
Conducted by Matt Patterson :
Mr. Patterson disclosed that we will be start with a base amount and then as the school grows with students the amount will go up.
Mr. Patterson informed all that Mountain View is 95% staffed. It was also mention that movement to the school should happen in the first part of June. Mr. Patterson let the members know that he will be working with the leadership team on a mission statement and core values for the school. He let them know the plans of being a High Reliablity School (HRS) and that the idea is to provide safety and support with collaboration as a community and school.
The budget and plan was presented to the members as well as shared via slide. See Here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DEm13ez_QxF3ZuTLXPFX3Qn8sm6Gw-wdCzDkAcKTRq0/edit#slide=id.g431168b3c6_1_11. A vote was sent via google form.
The members that were present chose to defer nomitations for President and Vice President due to not having all members at the meeting. it was agreed that the poll should be sent out via google form.